Niagara Transit


Your fare allows you to travel in any direction for two hours, making as many transfers as needed to reach your destination.

Transit fares as of Jan. 1, 2023

Fare Category Local Fares
(within town/city)
Regional Fares
(outside town/city)
Cash fare / single ride - adults (18 to 64 years) $3 $6
Cash fare / single ride - seniors (65+ years) $3 $5
Cash fare / single ride - youth (13 to 17 years or secondary school identification) $3 $5
Cash fare / single ride - 12 years and under Free Free
Day pass $7.25 $14.50
10-ride card - adults (18 to 64 years) $26.50 $45
10-ride card - seniors (65+ years) $22 $40
10-ride card - youth (13 to 17 years or secondary school identification) $22 $40
31-day pass - adults (18 to 64 years) $85.50 $160
31-day pass - seniors (65+ Years) $63 $130
31-day pass - youth (13 to 17 years or secondary school identification) $63 $130
Support Person Application Application


All riders must have valid Proof-of-Payment (POP) when travelling on Niagara Transit.

The driver may ask for valid photo I.D, except for children, when paying your fare.

Niagara Transit Supervisors regularly board buses to conduct fare checks. Keep your proof-of-payment handy so you can show it when asked.

Valid fare includes:

  • A Niagara Transit fare card loaded with a valid pass or transfer
  • A valid ticket/transfer
  • A student card with a valid U-Pass
  • Prepaid fares
  • Mobile tickets/transfers

If you paid your fare in cash, please request a transfer, as this will be your proof of Payment.

Under By-law 2022-02, a By-law regulating the use of the Niagara Transit system, anyone without proof of payment may be asked to leave the vehicle.

Regional transit passes (10-ride and 31-day) are valid fare on all Niagara Transit buses (including Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, and Welland buses) and Microtransit. 

31-day Regional passes are valid only for the start and end dates displayed on the pass. They are non-transferable and non-refundable. Lost or stolen passes are not replaced or refunded. Sign line A on your pass before first use.

Pre-paid fares

  • Your fare allows you to travel from your location to the pre-set destination.
  • Pre-paid ride passes (single ride, 10-ride or 31-day pass) are available for purchase on the Transit app.
  • 10-ride passes can be purchased at specific locations in Niagara. 

On the vehicle

  • Fare boxes accept coins and paper money. The machine automatically counts and displays the amount as it is inserted.
  • U.S. currency can be used and is accepted at par.
  • Exact cash fare only on board any vehicle. Operators cannot make change. Credit/Debit is not available.

Brock University students can use their Brock identification as their bus pass for Niagara Transit.

Your Brock student card must have a valid U-Pass sticker on it.

Brock identification is non-transferable; any violations will be handed over to Brock Security and treated as fraud.

Eligible Niagara College Students can use their U-Pass issued through the Transit App as the bus pass.  If you have any questions, please contact the Niagara College Student Administration Office (NCSAC).

  • Children 12 and under
  • Persons and support persons carrying a CNIB identification card
  • Niagara Transit Commission employees
  • One support person along with a valid fare-paying customer who requires assistance while travelling on public transit
  • Active duty military
  • Veterans presenting a Canada Armed Forces Veteran’s Service Card
  • First responders while on duty.

Transfers can be used on Niagara Transit conventional buses, Microtransit and Specialized transit.

  1. Board the bus or vehicle, pay the Local or Regional Fare, and ask the driver for a transfer ticket.
  2. Take your transfer ticket from the farebox and enjoy the ride.
  3. When boarding the next bus or vehicle, show your transfer ticket to the driver. If you're making a second transfer, hold onto your transfer ticket.
  4. Transfers are good for two hours.

You don't need to ask for a transfer if you have a Niagara Transit 31-day pass.

Transit App

If using tickets with the mobile Transit App, your transfer is built into your ticket on your device and will be validated on the reader when transferring vehicles.

WEGO Buses

Please note: Niagara Transit and WEGO Transportation are different services and run independently of each other. Please refer to Niagara Parks WEGO for fares and information.

Where To Buy Transit Fare

All locations are subject to availability.

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